April's Favorite Things!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Red Bull gives you wings?

I am always harping about coffee and other stimulants to the people I love, and it wasn't until recently that I was able to pester them guilt free. I have only had decaf since I've been pregnant and nursing, but it is still full of sugar and other poisonous ingredients, and none of it is organic! For over a month, maybe two I have not had any coffee! My husband just drinks them in front of me while I enjoy my organic tea. I love the comfort of a warm caramel macci-wait make that HOT caramel macciato as much as anybody, and I savor my iced white chocolate mocha's on hot days. We've all been told how a Starbuck's coffee can cost us as much as a thousand of our calories that day, but we try to put it out of our mind while we savor our forbidden treat. Even though I love them I let them go, for the love of my children. Everything I do is for them. I feel sad that my husband used to hate coffee and after sharing mine for so many years he's created his own addiction that has yet to be broken. He used to get very angry if he found out I'd had a coffee at work, and now look how the tables have turned. Now tell me that's not the token of a drug.

So when I read about Red Bull having cocaine in it, I thought of all the people I know who drink it. I used to love Red Bull and even better are Rockstar's. When we would go boating at the lake I would buy us a case to burn through. Forget the beer, I like being hyper!! I was hoping now I would have another fact to tell those loved ones about this high in a can. After reading the article I was a little disappointed. It gave me nothing good to repeat to them to break their addiction, but then I thought about it, and the stuff still sucks. Just because the traces of cocaine are minuscule that doesn't mean they aren't bad, and it doesn't mean that caffeine doesn't increase heart rate and blood pressure and doesn't induce heart attacks, strokes and respiratory illness.

No matter how you put it caffeine wreaks havoc on our bodies. I believe it is just a legal drug. I find it very addictive myself. I hope to never fall into that rut of needing my daily buzz to get through the day again. Besides, since I've been staying away from cooked and processed foods I've been having plenty of energy.

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