April's Favorite Things!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Got Bipolar?

The birth of Big Pharma Pictures, Images and Photos

We all seem to know someone who has been labelled with a psychotic illness of some sort these days. Wouldn't you love to know the origination of these labels? How about how much the multi-million dollar drug industry committing crimes against humanity, is making off of these people you know and love? I highly recommend watching this video if you are one of these guinea pigs or love one. Yes! Guinea pigs! How long do you thing they test these drugs before they approve them for use? A maximum of eight weeks! The drug companies are paying the physicians at the FDA to approve these drugs. There is a constant revolving door allowing these drugs on the market and labelling them as safe and effective! 
Your loved one might just need you to learn about it for them because if they are already on prescription psychotropic drugs they may not be able to do it for themselves. There is so much I could say on this topic, but this video does an amazing job of spelling it all out. I always want to share books I've read with people, but movies seem to be easier for most. So here it is, an hour and a half long video that might change you FOREVER!!

There are so many more effective ways of treating these imbalances in people. Proper nutrition, plenty of vitamin D and exercise have all proven more effective than these drugs in studies. If somebody I knew was diagnosed with on of these labels I would start with the books below!! I would begin a heavy metal cleanse and get some good omega's to their brain. Get them OFF of all processed foods full of High Fructose Corn Syrup and surgary soda's and foods. It's not a simple thing to treat our nutritionally starved brains and cells but it can be done with dedication.
Treating depression with Omega's

If you are a parent it is important for you to do the research. Children are always my biggest concern. Adults have access to the information, children do not! Your children are depending on you to protect them from all dangers. That might just mean protecting them from their doctors. I don't dislike doctors. They do amazing surgeries, however general practitioners prove over and over to me that they are often no more than legal drug pushers.

Okay, cutting the blog short! Go watch the video!!!