April's Favorite Things!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eat More Kale

So you read the title and you are thinking fibrous, chewy kale salad, YUCK! Before you jump to conclusions trust me this salad is quite tasty and very good for you at the same time.

Kale is full of chlorophyll and calcium. Calcium that has not been heated to extreme temperatures and denatured and rendered useless for your body. One cup of raw kale has the following:

3.3 grams protein
2 grams fiber
135 mg calcium
120 mg vitamin C

Those are just a few to give you an idea of the great nutritional value kale has to offer. It is one of my favorite greens because of it's dense nutritional value.

So here's the recipe for you to try. It's simple and the ingredients are probably already in your house.

1 Bunch Kale
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp sea or Himalayan salt
1 avocado
1/2 lemon juiced

green onions
cherry tomatoes
kalamata olives

One bunch kale washed and chopped into small pieces. Cut the leaves away from the fibrous stems. Drizzle about two tablespoons of olive oil over and 1/2 tsp salt and massage into the kale for a few minutes. This will help break down the cell walls and soften the kale. Add an avocado and massage in followed by the juice of half a lemon. Do not substitute with the bottled stuff. You are better off going for fast food than consuming Real Lemon, ugh! That's a whole other post. That's it! You can end here or you can add in your salad favorites like some examples I listed above.

I actually had a bumper sticker on my car that said "Eat More Kale," but sadly it's a website for T-shirts and I felt like I was advertising that rather than the fact that kale is a phenomenal food so I took it off.