April's Favorite Things!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

What's your happy place?

When you are in labor you are told to think of your happy place and go there in your mind. My happy place has always been Lake Powell. I love that place with a child like passion, even though I haven't been there in over 15 years. I guess I have fond memories there of the hot, hot, sun and jumping in the cool water every 15 min to cool off or playing on the sandy beaches with my brother and cousins while my parents laughed with my aunt and uncle. Maybe it was the fun of shopping for our camping trips and getting to pick out Black Cherry Shasta, and cheese logs for the fun trip. Those were not snacks we got on a regular basis, so it was a special treat. I even remember not so fun times there like when our boat broke down and we had to troll back in for hours and hours with my uncle who was sea sick, and my mom and aunt giggling away on cocktails lol. Then one time it stormed and the thunder echoed through the towering walls of rock and kept me awake, terrified. Whatever the reason, that is where I always thought of, but now as I make new memories with my children and husband I am developing new happy places. Maybe I will have the chance to take all my boys there someday (my hubby has never been either!) so I can share it with them, but I don't think there will ever be anywhere as perfect in my mind now, as just playing the day away at Laguna Beach. We have had such spectacular times there, but this summer seems to beat them all. What's your happy place? Please share.

Forever and Always. ♥