April's Favorite Things!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A year without Faith

So what do you do when you feel like crying? Do you fight it, distract yourself and keep moving through your day or do you just let the tears come? Today marks one year since my aunt Faith left in a VERY painful way. She took her last breaths in the early morning hours surrounded by her husband and children who fought so hard to keep her alive. It was a very hard fight she fought and she was so brave through all of the pain. It was very hard to watch someone you love go through so much. She was very selfless and would call me to see how I was doing. It was only through others and seeing her myself was I able to find out how bad she was. When I would speak to her on the phone she wouldn't elaborate on how she would be vomiting all day long and unable to keep food down. She didn't tell me how thin and weak she had become. She was confident she was going to beat it, and she had everyone around her thinking positive too. To me she was the same strong woman who had always called me to joke around and talk to. She was known for her good conversations on the phone and they could go on for hours before you even realized. When I lived in UT there were a few one hour drives from Salt Lake back to my home near Ogden that flew by on the phone with her. So why do I feel like crying today? It's been a year. I've thought of her many times, but I guess today I am reliving the moments when I found out the horrible news.

So what did she die of? Liver cancer. I hope others can learn from this like I have. She was only 57!! It is because of her mostly and my own health issues sidely that put me on this health crusade. I remember the night I found out through e-mail she had been diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. I stayed up all night and researched it. I was about 6 months pregnant. I was so upset that everything I read said even if she did chemotherapy her chances of survival were almost non-existent. I didn't know then that I would come to not believing in chemo. I ended up staying up until four in the morning trying to find alternatives. I went to bed still crying and my baby was moving scarily. I had such a hard time trying to calm myself for his safety. I have never felt any of my babies move that way and I never want to again.

My research kept bringing me back to the same thing. A healthy raw, vegan diet. People had survived eating this way. I don't recall, however if any of them were stage 4. Also important was vitamin D and exercise. So there you have it. It is because of my aunt that I believe in raw food. I checked out book after book from the library. Carol Alt's was the first one I read. I spent countless hours online. I found that it wasn't healthy to eat the way most people do.

I had always thought our heart did the most important job in our body. I realized that our liver and other glands like our pancreas were just as important and very often overlooked. Our liver is extremely important. It is your body's purifier. We need it so bad in this day in age when we breath toxic air, drink toxic water and eat processed foods that barely resemble their original forms. I mean what the heck is Velveta? It's not even cheese, they call it cheese food. YUCK! The more processed a food is, the harder your liver is going to have to work to figure out what to do with it. Processed foods wreak havoc on your whole system. Same goes for all of these synthetic prescriptions we are told to take. So much of our longevity depends on how much attention we give to our liver and digestion system. Some people take better care of their cars and houses than they do their bodies.

So what should you do to change your own oil, hehe!?

~Start your day with lemon water. This helps get the wonderful alkaline bile flowing. I use one quart with one fresh lemon squeezed into it. PLEASE throw out your ReaLemon. It is synthetic and should not be consumed EVER!

~Start drinking green smoothies. This will help get things cleaned up. My son shows you how here:

~Do a cleanse. Here's one:

~then this one:

~Get a colonic, OR several. I LOVE how good I feel after. Yes I know there are conflicting opinions about these, but nothing cleans out all the muck from gluten and dairy like a colonic. Just get yourself some probiotics to take after. I've researched this one a lot and I think people are so much better off doing a colonic. Not many people have healthy intestinal flora that they would be washing out anyways and this will remove all the stuff the unhealthy bacteria is feeding on.

Give your liver a break. Stop eating so many processed foods, meats and chemicals. Replace breakfast with a smoothie and dinner with a salad. Make lunch your only meal where you eat the cooked foods. Then your liver can concentrate on doing it's work at night rather than dealing with that big steak you had for dinner.

Your body can detox through your mouth, your skin and your bowels. So keep these things clear of toxins. Go back to my other post on deodorant and learn how to let the toxins out of your pores. Rinse the crud out of your mouth in the morning instead of swallowing it and you can even use a tongue scraper. Stop putting synthetic chemicals on your skin in the form of lotions. Your body absorbs it. If you wouldn't eat it don't put it on your skin. Use coconut or olive oil instead.

One last note. If you look in the mirror and see dark circles under your eyes that is a sign that your liver and kidneys are struggling. It is a form of bruising and a big red flag to help them out. Your liver can regenerate in 7 years, so get to work now and seven years from now you could be a whole new person!!

So this is dedicated to my aunt Faith. I believe she saved me from the same problems. We shared so many similar symptoms that I now know are not just a normal part of being a human. Asthma and allergies and eczema are not normal and I don't have to live with them. I am passing the inhaler torch to someone else! Bring on the campfires!