April's Favorite Things!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Coconut Kefir Yumminess!

I have been making a delicious new snack for the family that the boys are in love with! So what is it? Coconut Kefir and Coconut Yogurt. You can't say it without saying YUM! So just like I am always talking about the importance of minerals (maybe not here, but on Facebook) fermented foods are another one of my favorites and are essential to good immune health. Many other cultures have fermented foods in their regular diet, but we don't eat many fermented foods in the standard American diet. They are crucial when we are exposed to so many toxins in our food and air as well as antibiotics.

So what is it and how do you make it? It is sooo easy yet seems to be real intimidating to people. I think I've figured out why: we are growing something and we are so unfamiliar with growing anything we eat let alone a bacteria! So here's what you do:

Coconut Kefir
Open and strain water from approximately four coconuts until you have 4 cups of water. Warm on stove until it's lukewarm (98 degrees). Drink the extra.

Mix with 1 package kefir starter and fill to almost top of jar (1 quart) and put lid on. Make sure everything you are working with including your hands are really clean.

Place in 72 degree room and leave for 36 hours (a day and a half). AND it's done! Put what you don't drink at the 36 hour mark in the fridge.

You can watch me make it on Youtube too!

There are also huge benefits to just drinking coconut water! I have read that they used to use it for blood tranfusions because the primary minerals or electrolytes are essentially the same as those found in human blood! It is full of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, and growth factors. It is low in fat and has only a fifth of the sugar found in most fresh fruit juices. Ferment it and the probiotics gobble up those sugars and make it even better for you. Double score. Please don't be afraid of the fats in coconut either. If you want to lose weight you need to provide your body with good fats like the ones in coconuts and avocado.

So drink a glass before bed so it can mulitply while you are still and asleep or have a refreshing glass in the morning when you wake up! Oh and you can add a little to a fresh batch of coconut water and watch it grow all over again and not have to use a new packet of starter.

The yogurt is just as simple. Scrape the meat out and blend it all up. Add the kefir starter and let it grow for 8 hours. A lot less time than the kefir. Add to some berries and you have a creamy yogurt like snack/meal.

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