April's Favorite Things!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

I am having a weak moment today and think I'll make some cookies. I searched through pages and pages of my Facebook looking for this recipe that I made a couple months ago. I had experimented a few times and was extremely happy with this final result, so I wasn't willing to start over again.

1 cup Organic Peanut butter (not a health food, unbalanced omega's, but I didn't want to cook my raw almond butter)

1/2 cup of following:
buckwheat flower
organic brown sugar
organic sugar
1/4 hazelnut (or other nut) milk

Mix together roll into balls and cook for 18-20 min at 325

Here's another version that is gluten free, but not vegan:
1 cup organic peanut butter
1 cup organic sugar
1 egg

Bake at 350 for 6 to 8 minutes.


  1. I conquered the craving and made a smoothie instead. It helped that the munchkin couldn't fall asleep and I didn't have the time to whip them up.

  2. you can make the last one vegan by using chia instead of egg. 1 tbs chia in 3 tbs water for ten minutes = 1 egg.
